This section contains application notes from users of Applied Technologies meteorological instruments and weather systems. The sources are very well known and respected in the scientific meteorological industry.
Newest Application Notes are added at the top of the list.
Flow Distortion Errors in a Non-Orthogonal Sonic Anemometer
This is the 3 preceding papers (Understanding Non-Orthogonal Sonic Anemometers, Orthogonal and Non-Orthogonal Sonic Anemometer Compared, and Orthogonal Probe Performance From A Non-Orthogonal Sonic Anemometer) combined into a single PDF document.
Orthogonal Probe Performance from a Non-Orthogonal Sonic Anemometer
Orthogonal Probe Performance from a Non-Orthogonal Sonic Anemometer by H.A. Zimmerman; W.R. Dagle; B.A. Dagle and J.C. Kaimal (June 2014)
Orthogonal and Non-Orthogonal Sonic Anemometers Compared
Orthogonal and Non-Orthogonal Sonic Anemometes Compared by H.A. Zimmerman; W.R. Dagle; B.A. Dagle and J.C. Kaimal (May 2014)
Understanding Non-Orthogonal Sonic Anemometers
Understanding Non-Orthogonal Sonic Anemometers by J.C. Kaimal and Herbert Zimmerman (February 2014)
Sonic Thermometry Today
Sonic Thermometry Today by W. R. Dagle and H. A. Zimmerman (February 2014)
Momentum Flux: Gross, Scalar, Alongwind, or NET? Flux: Gross, Scalar, Alongwind, or NET?
Adiabat Meteorological Services Note 0303 - Momentum Flux: Gross, Scalar, Alongwind, Or NET? March 2003. By Christopher Biltoft
Flux Measurement in the Atmospheric Surface Layer
Adiabat Meteorological Services Note 0103 - Some Thoughts on In-Situ Flux Measurement in the Atmospheric Surface Layer by Chris Biltoft
C. Biltoft Abstract Paper
A Simple Methodology For Surface Layer Characterization During Diabatic Extremes - C. Biltoft, West Desert Test Center, Dugway Proving Ground, UT 84022, USA.
Minimizing Flow Distortion Errors in a Sonic Anemometer
Minimizing Flow Distortion Errors In A Sonic Anemometer. J.C. Kaimal and J.E. Gaynor - NOAA/ERL/Wave Propagation Laboratory, Boulder, CO; H.A. Zimmerman and G.A. Zimmerman - Applied Technologies, Inc.
Sonic Thermometry
Feature of Sonic Anemometer that enhances the calculated sonic temperature. (Sept 2012) - W.R. Dagle [Applied Technologies, Inc.]
Another Look at Sonic Thermometry
Another Look At Sonic Thermometry. (November 1990) - J.C. Kaimal and J.E. Gaynor
WPL Application Note No. 6
A simple notch filter for removing high frequency noise in atmospheric measurements. (December 1990) - J.C. Kaimal and R.J. Lataitis
WPL Application Note No. 5
Basic tests for checking the validity of field data. (December 1990) - J.C. Kaimal
WPL Application Note No. 4
Sonic Temperature Significance and Limitations. (December 1990) - J.C. Kaimal
WPL Application Note No. 3
Consequences of Oversampling (November 1990) - J.C. Kaimal and L.E. Gaynor
WPL Application Note No. 2
Transducer shadow correction for Applied Technologies' Sonic K Probe. (December 1990) - J.C. Kaimal
WPL Application Note No. 1
Effects of spatial filtering, prefiltering, and aliasing in measurements from Applied Technologies' Sonic K probe. (November 1990) - J.C. Kaimal