A common problem experienced in many field experiments is the ability to collect data from a wide range of different instruments and sensors. Some of the requirements are to synchronize the data from each sensor, combine the date and collect the data into a single packet format so it can be transmitted easily. The DataPacker/DataLogger will do just that.

Data synchronization and data collection device. This meteorological instrument will accept multiple Ultrasonic Anemometer outputs from a variety of digital instruments, along with multiple analog sensor outputs, and combine and synchronize the data into a single output for your weather system.
Temperature System
This probe can perform unusual requirements, for air or a good deal of the gases, when making temperature measurements. It can provide a high speed temperature, a high resolution temperature, a fast temperature measurement, and a highly accurate temperature.

There might be occasions when there is a requirement for a fast response temperature measurement, or for trying to get an accurate temperature measurement with a high resolution temperature reading, or for measuring a fast temperature transition, or for getting a quick temperature reading without waiting for a normal thermometer to settle down.
The “SPAS/2Y style sonic anemometer is a 2 axis, 2d, 15 cm Ultrasonic Anemometer.

This 2D sensor offers high quality performance in a less expensive package. This sensor can provide the same accuracy and resolution of the scientific Ultrasonic Anemometer, with the exception of the mechanical direction. This probe is designed to meet the needs of users and is priced in a range that is between the two. It operates on DC power with a power consumption of